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About us

CliniGastro, endoscopy and digestive diseases center provides excellent quality medical care in the highly complex gastroenterology and digestive endoscopy specialties, with an emphasis on early diagnosis and treatment of gastric and colorectal cancer.


We are located in a modern building, in spacious and very comfortable physical facilities, in Valle de Pubenza specialist center and we have the latest generation OLYMPUS digital video-endoscopy equipment, which incorporates high-resolution images.


With the essential purpose of preserving health and life, CliniGastro serves with highly qualified professionals, with extensive experience and excellent academic-scientific training, human warmth and the best technology, in the specialties of gastroenterology and digestive endoscopy.

Our Center for Endoscopy and Digestive Diseases is the only one in the Department of Cauca where all patients are personally attended by a specialist doctor with a formal postgraduate degree in the subspecialty of gastroenterology and digestive endoscopy (Article 18 of the Law on Human Talent in Health – Law 1164 of 2007).

Logo CliniGastro

Excellent quality medical care is the permanent purpose of the CliniGastro Center for Endoscopy and Digestive Diseases, always maintaining the highest standards of timeliness, efficiency, and diagnostic and therapeutic safety, in the specialties of gastroenterology and digestive endoscopy.

Values and principles
  • Timely medical attention.

  • Respect and human warmth.

  • Scientific excellence in the health service.

  • High efficiency and diagnostic and therapeutic safety.

technological resource

We have state-of-the-art OLYMPUS brand digital video-endoscopy equipment, which incorporates high-resolution images, and new SIEMENS brand radiology equipment, for performing CPER, which is the most technologically advanced in its area and guarantees the highest safety and efficiency in performing all diagnostic and therapeutic biliary and pancreatic endoscopy procedures (ERCP for gallstone removal, mechanical lithotripsy, biliary stent installation, etc.).

  • OLYMPUS Video – standard duodenoscope

  • OLYMPUS Video – jumbo (therapeutic) duodenoscope

  • OLYMPUS Video – standard gastroscope (adult)

  • OLYMPUS Video – pediatric gastroscope

  • OLYMPUS Video – standard colonoscope

  • OLYMPUS Video – therapeutic colonoscope

  • OLYMPUS standard mechanical lithotripter

  • OLYMPUS emergency lithotripter

  • Nihon Kohden Vital signs monitor

  • OLYMPUS Electronic sucker for endoscopes

  • Cardio-brain-lung resuscitation equipment

  • Mindray Defibrillator – BeneHeart D6 biphasic monitor with built-in automated external defibrillator (AED)

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